Request new access, to keep current access, or to remove access to the High Performance Computing Cluster. Please "Sign In" in the upper right corner if you have a myWSU Id#. This will aid your approval process. Please allow requests 2-3 business days to process, before expecting access.

Please allow requests 2-3 business days to process, before expecting access.

Type of Account
Select the type of user account being requested. If individual student access is requested, provide email of the Faculty member who approves the need.
Type of Account

* fields are required.  Please fill in as many of the other fields as possible.

What Do You Need?
Please select the choice that applies to you.
What Do You Need?
Please provide additional information as needed.
Please use your best contact email address. Your registration and setup confirmation will come to this email. If you forget your password, an email to reset will be sent to this address.
Do you currently have a myWSU ID? If not, you must provide the following data to given one: Full Name, Address, Birthday, Phone, Email, etc.
If you have a myWSU ID, you must enter it here. Failure to provide an existing myWSU ID could delay the approval process.
Optional - If using for a Project, please enter the Project Title
Optional. Please list how you intend to use BeoShock and any tools or libraries you will need to work effectively (if known).
Student Level
Please specify type of student.
Student Level
Type of Work
Select the type of work the access is requested. If requesting access for a whole class, please select Course.
Type of Work
If you selected "Research" please provide any outcomes that have resulted from using the HPC system. These outcomes may have been a publication in a peer-reviewed journal or a thesis. If you selected "Course" please provide details on how the HPC system was used in your coursework.
Please enter the email address of a faculty member who knows of the need to access the HPC Cluster.
Enter the course's Course Reference Number (CRN)
Enter the title of the course.
Enter the number of the course.
Enter the number of credit hours for the listed course.
Please enter the number of students you are enrolling for this request.
Enter the email address of your instructor.
Enter your first name.
The name an employee prefers to be addressed by. For Example; Jim for James or Bill for William.
Enter the middle name. While not required, this field can aid in ensuring we do not have a duplicate name in our system.
Enter you last name (Family Name)
Any other last name that employee has had that they may be identified by in WSU's systems. An example is a Maiden Name.
The street address of the employee's official residence.
The city of the employee's official address.
The state of the employee's official address.
The zip code of the employee's official address.
Employee's date of birth. Helps to match employee in WSU's system.
Use your best contact phone number
If the other organization wishes to have their system's Id tied to WSU's system Id in WSU's system then this can be provided and it will be stored in WSU's system as an alternate Id.
Status is assumed to be A for active unless indicated with an I for inactive.
Enter the email address of your approval manager. If you are WSU faculty or staff, enter the email address of your manager, Dean or Chair. If student, enter the email address of a faculty or staff member who is familiar with your project. If Other, please enter the email address of a manager that has knowledge of why you are requesting access and that can validate this request.
Please briefly describe why you no longer need access.
Enter the date/semester that you graduate or that you will no longer need access to the HPC system.
HPC Supported by grant
Please select yes if funded by a research grant.
HPC Supported by grant
Please explain how you plan on using XSEDE. Description for XSEDE is found at:
File attachments associated with the ticket.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code