Project and Portfolio Management Training and Questions


Portfolio Management is selecting the right project to work and scoping it for success.  

Project Management is to manage the project so that it satisfies the customer/sponsor and is delivered on spec, on time, and on budget.

All levels of project and portfolio mentoring are available.


All staff and faculty.

Normal Time To Delivery

Response in one day, most questions can be answered on the first call, or within two business days afterward.   A due date will be shared with requester if resolution of the ticket will take more time or if there is a back log of tickets. 


There is no cost associated with questions or training.  There is, however, a license cost for TeamDynamix if this is a tool selected for your project management system.  An Enterprise license costs is $656 per Project Manager/year.  We are tool neutral and are happy to help you understand which tool would be best for you.

Supporting Services

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Submit a Ticket

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