TDX ITS Ticket and PM Break Fix

Tags TDX Fix Break


This offering is to request support for Project Management OR TeamDynamix when it is not working as expected, to assist users if they are unable to sign onto TeamDynamix; This service can also be used to reset a licensed user's Personal Identification Number (PIN) in the event the maximum number of retries has been exceeded and the PIN is locked out or the licensed user would like to have his/her PIN reset due to compromise or any other reason. For all other applications not working on the desktop, please use Desktop Support: Help Me Fix 


Any ITS user or group using TeamDynamix may request support.  Anyone needing IT Project support, may use this ticket. 

Normal Time To Delivery

Response in one hour, most fixes can be made within two business days.  TeamDynamix is a Software As A Service (SaaS), the vendor is very responsive and an update will be given to the requester once more is known.  A due date will be shared with requester if resolution of the ticket will take more time or if there is a back log of tickets.   Project, Program, and Portfolio management experts are available and can advise you on ITS or WSU project navigation down to troubleshooting one project that is running behind or over budget.


There is no cost associated with this request.

Supporting Services

Configure TeamDynamix for WSU's usage:

Add add/ delete / change TDX access: