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Services or Offerings?
This request is to be used to seek help when anything on the desktop is broken and you need assistance from the ITS Desktop Support group. It is used to report anything broken involving All-In-One, Desktop, Laptop, Tablets and Printers as well as their operating systems or their setting/rights plus Desktop end user applications or software.

This service request is to be used to seek assistance from the Information Technology Services group's Desktop Support for Set up and/or changes involving All-In-One, Desktop, Laptop, IPads and Printers as well as changes involving the operating systems and their setting/rights.

This ticket is used for tracking and reporting the last remaining tasks on projects if needed for timely project closure.

Request insight or training from the Project Management Office: Project Management, Portfolio and Project Management, Requirements Gathering, Change Management, RFP, Risk Matrix, advise to put projects back on track, Project or Program mentoring, etc.

Request a new Perceptive Content (ImageNow) implementation which may include a new drawer, application plan, or scanning device.

This offering is to request support for TeamDynamix when it is not working as expected, to reset a licensed user's Personal Identification Number (PIN) in the event the maximum number of retries has been exceeded, or if a user is having difficulty signing onto TeamDynamix.